?zy?lmazlar ?n?aat altyap?, üstyap? in?aatlar? ve yap? bile?enleri üretiminde tasar?ma, ilgili standartlara, teknik ?artnamelere, idari ve mevzuat ?artlar?na, in?a etme teknik ve sanat?n?n gereklerine uyar bilgi ve ileti?im teknolojilerindeki yenilikleri, ürün ve üretimde kullanmaya ?zen g?sterir.



?zy?lmazlar Yap?, ?stanbul'da modern ve güvenli ya?am alanlar? olu?turmaktad?r. ?zy?lmazlar Yap? dürüstlü?ü, vermi? oldu?u taahhütlerine ba?l?l??? ve güvenilirli?i ile ?stanbul'da mükemmel i??ilik kalitesiyle modern binalar yapmaktad?r. ?evreye ve ?al??anlar?na olan duyarl?l??? ile in?aat sekt?rünün lider firmalar? aras?nda yer alan ?zy?lmazlar Yap? güvenli ve kaliteli bir ?al??ma ortam? haz?rlamaktad?r.



Mimariyi insan ya?am? ve ?evresiyle tam bir birlik i?inde dü?ündü?ümüzden, projelendirmi? oldu?umuz binalarda ve di?er mimari eserlerin i? düzenlemelerinde bu binalar?n karakteristik ?zelliklerini ve kullan?c? isteklerini g?z ?nüne alarak mutluluk sa?layan, ferah i? mekan olu?turacak ?ekilde düzenlemeler yap?yoruz.

Neler yap?yoruz?

service 1


Birinci s?n?f malzemeler kullanarak güvenle ya?ayabilece?iniz yap?lar in?aa ediyoruz.

service 2


?stanbul daire ve arsa sat??lar?m?z devam ediyor K?rfezde ise imarl? sat?l?k arsalar?m?z mevcuttur.

service 3


Türkiyenin ?nde gelen firmalar?ndan Sabanc?n?n bünyesindeki BETONSA bayili?imiz vard?r.

service 1


HAFR?YAT Firmam?za ait i? makinelerimizle Türkiye genelinde Hafriyat i?lerinizde bizimle ?al??mak ister misiniz?

service 2


Mü?teri istekleri do?rultusunda de?i?ken ebatlarda ve kalitede demir sat??lar?m?z mevcuttur.

service 3


Bünyemizde bulunan dü?ün ve kongre salonlar?nda Dü?ün,konferans ve i? toplant?lar?n?z? güvenle yapabilirsiniz.

Projelerimizden Baz?lar?...

Do?a Apartman?

Do?a Apartman?

ProjeDo?a Apartman?
Alan1440 M2

32 Daireden olu?maktad?r. Merkezi ?s?tma sistemli konut alanlar? ve kapal? otopark? mevcuttur.

Sultan Plaza

Sultan Plaza

ProjeSultan Plaza
Alan5000 M2

?? merkezleri, Ofisler, Kapal? Otopark

Güng?r Apartman?

Güng?r Apartman?

ProjeGüng?r Apartman?
Alan8700 M2

Konut Alanlar?, ?ocuk Park?, A??k Otopark

Bekta? Plaza

Bekta? Plaza

ProjeBekta? Plaza
Alan8700 M2

?? Merkezleri, Konut Alanlar?, Kapal? Otopark

?icekli Bah?e Kurtk?y

?icekli Bah?e Kurtk?y

Proje?icekli Bah?e Kurtk?y
Alan6600 M2

3 Blok 60 Daire, A??k Otopark, A??k Yüzme Havuzu, ?ocuk Park?

Kartal Petroli? Projesi

Kartal Petroli? Projesi

ProjeKartal Petroli?

Kartal Petroli? Projesi

Kartal Petroli? Projesi

ProjeKartal Petroli?

Kartal Petroli? Projesi

Kartal Petroli? Projesi

ProjeKartal Petroli?

Kartal Petroli? Projesi

Kartal Petroli? Projesi

ProjeKartal Petroli?

Kartal Petroli? Projesi

Kartal Petroli? Projesi

ProjeKartal Petroli?

Kartal Petroli? Projesi

Kartal Petroli? Projesi

ProjeKartal Petroli?

Kartal Petroli? Projesi

Kartal Petroli? Projesi

ProjeKartal Petroli?

  • Do?a Apartman?

    Do?a Apartman?

  • Sultan Plaza

    Sultan Plaza

  • Güng?r Apartman?

    Güng?r Apartman?

  • Bekta? Plaza

    Bekta? Plaza

  • ?icekli Bah?e Kurtk?y

    ?icekli Bah?e Kurtk?y

  • Kartal Petroli?

    Kartal Petroli? Projesi

  • Kartal Petroli?

    Kartal Petroli? Projesi

  • Kartal Petroli?

    Kartal Petroli? Projesi

  • Kartal Petroli?

    Kartal Petroli? Projesi

  • Kartal Petroli?

    Kartal Petroli? Projesi

  • Kartal Petroli?

    Kartal Petroli? Projesi

Biz Kimiz?

Kalk?nman?n yap? ta?lar?ndan biri olan in?aat sekt?rünün üstlendi?i ya?amsal i?levler, en ince ayr?nt?lardan ba?layarak daima en iyiyi hedeflemeyi gerektirir. Bu dev ve zorlu endüstride ?ncü bir rol üstlenen ?ZYILMAZLAR YAPI, ger?ekle?tirmi? oldu?u ilk projeden bugüne, her zaman "zirve"yi hizmet anlay???n?n s?n?rlar?n? tan?mlayan temel ?l?üt olarak benimsemi?tir.

?a?da? dünyan?n h?zla de?i?en beklentilerine en do?ru ??zümlerle yan?t verirken, geli?imde, ba?ar?da, rekabette ve hizmette "zirve" ula??lmas? hedeflenen de?il, yola ??k?lan noktay? olu?turmu?tur...

?n?aat sekt?rünün farkl? alanlar?nda ayn? üstün uzmanl?k ve k?klü deneyimle hizmet verirken, tamamlad???m?z her yeni projenin ya?ama ve ya?am? hep daha iyiye g?türmeyi hedefleyen kurumsal birikimimize yepyeni de?erler katt???na inan?yoruz. En üst düzeyde mü?teri memnuniyetini hedefleyerek hizmet ula?t?rd???m?z her yeni kurum ve her yeni birey de bu de?erler zincirinin vazge?ilmez bir par?as? olarak aram?za kat?l?yor.

Gelece?in yeni hedeflerini birlikte güvenle kar??l?yoruz.

team 1

?enel YILMAZ

Y?netim Kurulu

team 1


Y?netim Kurulu
Ba?kan Yard?mc?s?

team 1


Finans Direkt?rü

team 1


Proje Koordinat?rü

team 1



team 1



Vizyonumuz ve Misyonumuz

?zy?lmazlar Yap?, ulusal ve uluslararas? alanda hep daha iyi hizmetler sunmak amac?yla, sahas?na giren bütün konularda rekabet edebilecek düzeyde sa?lam temeller üzerinde oturtulmu? bir büyümeyi hedef alm??t?r.

Misyonumuz ?evreye sayg?l? olmak, kalite ve sa?laml??? temin etmek mü?teri memnuniyetini art?rmak, mükemmelli?i yakalamak, sa?l?k ve emniyeti her zaman ?n planda tutmak güvenirli?i koruyarak dinamik ve h?zl? ?al??ma performans?n? azimle sürdürmek, yeniliklere a??k sürekli geli?me i?inde olmakt?. Ayr?ca ?al??t???m?z firmalara ??züm orta?? olabilmek temel amac?m?zd?r.

Vizyonumuz, ?a??m?z?n evrensel ko?ullar?na uyumlu bir ?ekilde ileriye do?ru yol al?rken toplumlar?n kalk?nmas? ve refah?na katk?da bulunan ?zel sekt?r kurulu?lar?n?n ?nde gelenleri aras?nda yer almak.

Entegre Y?netim Sistemi Politikas?

?n?aat ve Taahhüt Faaliyetlerimizi Ger?ekle?tirirken ?lgili Taraflar?n ?htiya? ve Beklentilerine Duyarl?, Kaliteli ve Ekonomik, En ?yi Hizmeti Sunmak

Mü?terilerimize Daha ?yi Ya?am Alanlar? Sa?layacak ?mkanlar? Yaratmalar?na Yard?mc? Olmak

Faaliyetlerimiz Dolay?s?yla Sorumlusu Oldu?umuz Standartlara,Yasalara ve Mevzuatlara Tavizsiz Uymak

?evresel Boyutlar?n En Aza ?ndirilmesi, Kirlili?in ?nlenmesi, At?klar?n Geri Kazan?lmas? ve Miktarlar?n?n Azalt?lmas?n? Sürekli ?zleyen ve Kontrol Eden Sistematik Olu?turmak, Bu Sistematik ?er?evesinde Geri Kazan?labilir At?klar? De?erlendirmek ve Al?c? Ortama (Toprak, Hava Ve Su) En Az At???n Verilmesini Sa?lamak

Sürdürülebilir Kalk?nma Yakla??m? Do?rultusunda Do?al Kaynaklar? (Hammadde, Enerji, Su) Etkin Kullanmak ve Geri Kazan?mlar?n? En üst Seviyede Tutmak

Tüm ?al??anlar?na ve ?lgili Taraflara, Gerekli Bilgilendirme ve E?itimler Yard?m?yla Kendilerinin, Di?er ?al??anlar?n ve Ziyaret?ilerin Sa?l?k ve Güvenliklerini Tehlikeye Atmamay? Temel G?rev Olarak Benimsetmek

Kalite ve ?evre Y?netim Sistemini ?artlar?na Uymak, Etkinli?ini Sürekli Olarak ?yile?tirmek ve ?evre Performans?n?n Artt?rmak firmam?z?n Entegre Y?netim Sistemi Politikas? ‘d?r.

Genel Müdür
Tarih : 03.01.2022 Rev : 00

?zy?lmazlar Yap? altyap?, üstyap? in?aatlar? ve yap? bile?enleri üretiminde tasar?ma, ilgili standartlara, teknik ?artnamelere, idari ve mevzuat ?artlar?na, in?a etme teknik ve sanat?n?n gereklerine uyar bilgi ve ileti?im teknolojilerindeki yenilikleri, ürün ve üretimde kullanmaya ?zen g?sterir.


Haz?rbeton tesislerinde TS 11222 ve TS EN 206-1 standard?na uygun olarak normal ve yüksek dayan?ml? betonlar üretilmektedir.

Bu ürünlerin yan?s?ra standart belirtilen k?vamlarda ve D1-D3 agrega dane büyüklük s?n?flar?nda ?zel mü?teri istekleri de kar??lanmaktad?r. GB 150, GB 200, GB 250 ve ?zel ?ap betonlar? ile de?i?ik katk?l? betonlar ve ?zel ürünler de üretilmektedir. Tesislerimizde ürünlerimiz i?in TSE belgelerimiz mevcut olup, TSE Standartlar?na uygun laboratuvarlar?m?zda, hammadde ve ürünlerimizle ilgili, standartlarda belirtilen tüm deney ve kontroller yap?labilmektedir.

Tesislerimizde Türkiye Haz?r Beton Birli?i (T.H.B.B.) taraf?ndan verilen Kalite Güvence Sistem belgeleri (KGS) de bulunmaktad?r. THBB VE TSE taraf?ndan periyodik olarak denetlenmektedir..

"?zy?lmazlar Yap? yetkili BETONSA bayisidir."

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Sosyal Medya

Vegas -- The Pirates checked out another item off their Winter Meetings shopping list on Friday, acquiring left-hander Antonio Bastardo from Philadelphia to acquire left-handed prospect Joely Rodriguez.

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'We had Bastardo profiled very high in our list of potential bullpen acquisitions,' Pirates manager Clint Hurdle said. 'He gives us a second left-hander within the bullpen, and not just a left-handed specialist. We know it's a very, very stable addition to our bullpen.'

'It's a very good in shape for us. We hated to give that up Joely Rodriguez, a young pitcher with a good future, but we're within a different point in the earn curve in our evolution as an organization,' said Cutthroat buccaneers GM Neal Huntington, engineering to get the Bucs to the postseason for a third year repeatedly.

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Winter Meetings actionDay 4: Dec. 11TransactionOfficial?OF Matthew Kemp
C Tim FederowiczTraded to PadresNoC Yasmani Grandal
RHP Joe Wieland
RHP Zach EflinTraded to be able to DodgersNoOF Yoenis Cespedes
RHP Alex WilsonTraded to TigersYesRHP Rick PorcelloTraded to Red SoxYesRHP Ervin SantanaFour-year deal with TwinsNoLHP Mat LatosTraded to MarlinsNoRHP Anthony DeSclafani
C Chad WallachTraded to be able to RedsNoRHP Justin MastersonOne-year deal with Red SoxNoRHP Alfredo SimonTraded to be able to TigersYesRHP Jonathon Crawford
IF Eugenio SuarezTraded to RedsYesLHP Ross DetwilerTraded to RangersNoOF John Mayberry Jr.One-year deal with MetsNoRHP Andre RienzoTraded to MarlinsYesLHP Dan JenningsTraded in order to White SoxYesWinter Meetings moves: First day | 2 | 3 | 4

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Bastardo is the alternative lefty reliever for Justin Wilson, exactly who a month ago went to the New york yankees in the deal for catcher Francisco Cervelli. Furthermore, the 29-year-old Dominican complies with Huntington's definition of the type of southpaw he wanted.

'We cannot afford to carry a 'placekicker,'' Huntington had said, alluding to some specialist who would only be noticed against left-handed hitters. 'It would have to be somebody who can also get out right-handed players.'

In 2014, his sixth season in Philadelphia, Bastardo held same-side hitters into a .175 average. But he was equally effective in opposition to righties, who hit him at just a .195 pace.

'It's a nice match for our bullpen,' Huntington said. 'Clint should be able to use him as he can feel comfortable. He's a guy that has pitched late in video games in important situations, as well as our scouts liked his products.'

It can be electric stuff. Bastardo frequently posts more than a strikeout an inning -- he's fanned 305 in 235 1/3 innings since the start of the The year 2010 season. He was made accessible following one of his far better seasons, a WHIP of merely one.20 being the second-lowest of his career.

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While season-to-season carryover can be a moot point, Bastardo can be another hot arm: He decided not to allow a run in 12 of his last 13 appearances, and used hitters to three hits throughout 37 at bats (.081 typical) during that stretch.

The deal intended for Bastardo came together quickly after the Angry had almost finalized a partnership with another reliever, Pat Neshek. That right-hander had a change-of-heart by the Astros' last-minute push of their offer to $12.Five million, believed to be $2.5 mil above terms the Bucs got offered on the two-year deal.

Bastardo suits right in with Bucs Tom Artist on Pirates trading intended for Antonio BastardoNHL.com Pirates reporter Mary Singer joins Tim McMaster to discuss the trade for Antonio Bastardo and how the club missed out on Dab Neshek

Huntington confirmed that Neshek and Bastardo were an either-or proposition for them -- but not for the financial considerations. Bastardo, in his third year regarding salary arbitration, earned $2 mil in 2014.

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'We had long inside debates about whether to attain two relievers. We have a amount of guys in our system in addition to guys we have acquired that people like, and we wanted to ensure we provide an opportunity for them,In Huntington said. 'So while we could've included both, it was going in the course of either-or.'

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Rodriguez has come into his own this winter as an interesting prospect. On Wednesday morning hours, he'd been named on the All-Prospect Team of the 2014 Arizona Fall League, where he had also been 3-0 with an ERA of 2.37.

Vegas -- Despite the imminent return of Alex Rodriguez from a one-season suspension for performance-enhancing substances, the Yankees are in pertaining to a third baseman and are trying to re-sign free of charge agent Chase Headley, general manager Bob Cashman said on Tuesday.

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'If I closed or traded for a 3 rd baseman, then that would be my finally baseman,' said Cashman during a press session at this week's General Executives Meetings. 'If we made a transfer for a third baseman, then that you will find my third baseman. Right now, I haven't got that. I have somebody who can engage in that in [Martin] Prado. But I'm not really here to state that the Yankees have their definitive third baseman with regard to 2015.'

Because of injury and the suspension, the 39-year-old Rodriguez has played only 48 games for the Yankees since start of the 2013 season -- Twenty-seven of them at third platform. The Yanks obtained Rodriguez in a 04 trade with the Rangers, anf the husband moved permanently from shortstop to third base starting with that time of year. Save for five activities at short during the 2004-05 conditions, Rodriguez has either played third or been a specified hitter since then.

That may not be true this coming season, Cashman said.

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'In equity to us and in fairness to Alex, I don't know what to expect, because it is a year,' Cashman said. 'The desire is that His can provide bothersome value. That's been the biggest portion of his career. He's been a good defender, too; I am aware that. But obviously the particular offense is key, and I are not aware of what to expect from him. A person hope that His can lead in a significant way. We will have to wait and see precisely how that plays out. For the time being, I have to look at ways to help the club and discuss by purchasing ownership.'

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Rodriguez is a lifetime .299 batter over the course of 20 seasons, having 654 homers -- six shy of Willie Mays, that with 660 is fourth for the all-time list behind Barry Ties (762), Hank Aaron (755) and Babe Ruth (714). The New york yankees have Rodriguez under contract for your next three seasons at a total of $61 million. Rodriguez also gets a $6 million bonus for each of such home run milestones His gets to.

The Yankees obtained Headley from the Padres inside a three-player trade on July 23, and His batted .262 with six homers in addition to 17 RBIs in 58 online games, including several game-winning hits. His also played fairly flawless protection, committing only two errors from the 51 games His played out at the hot corner.

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Headley, 40, had a breakout year for your Padres in 2012, when His hit .286 using 31 homers and 115 RBIs, yet His has suffered through a combination of hand, leg and rear injuries since then. Headley was a .229 hitter with seven homers and 33 RBIs in 77 games for San Diego before the trade, anf the husband earned $10.53 million last season.

Headley and Pablo Sandoval head some sort of sparse list of free-agent third basemen this specific offseason. That's why the Yankees, and in the market to replace the upon the market Derek Jeter at shortstop, have to guarantee the starting up slot to Headley if His re-signs with the team.

'If I signed a Chase Headley, His would be the starting third baseman,' Cashman reiterated. 'If I traded for a next baseman that would be an everyday guy, that might be the move I'd make -- if I did that.'

That, certainly, would narrow the whole world of positions for Rodriguez.

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'Alex is going to come in and compete,' Cashman said. 'Compete for at-bats, compete for the position; it's as simple as of which. When we last saw Alex, this individual was playing third base. That was just a little over a year ago. Obviously, he's looking forward to competing for an everyday position in third, fight for at-bats at the DH spot, and [manager] Joe [Girardi] has talked to him about maybe getting some reps to see the way it feels and looks and what enhanced comfort level is around first platform.

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'He may eventually be the everyday third baseman or the everyday DH. I just now don't know. I'm going to do everything around my power to drum up some options that are realistic and then present them to ownership that may or maybe may not involve third starting.'